Friday, 24 August 2012

Friday Special: They're Back - The WalMart Girls of Summer

Yes folks, Hershey’s has a new Butterscotch Kiss.
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Look carefully Can you believe more than one person bought these shorts?
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 Is that injured foot from kicking your own BUTT, or for wearing that out in  public?  
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So!  Exactly how many sizes too small would you say this outfit is? 
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If you woke up in good spirits this morning, this should ruin the rest of your day!    
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Should I buy the pies or plain bread?    
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Oh dear God! This must be what a cougar is.    
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Dang, it’s hot in here, good thing I clipped the legs on these pj's. 
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Nothing runs like a Deere!    
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Yeah, the ankle weights are going to make a BIG difference!    
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I didn’t know I could buy a table dance at Walmart too! 
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It's bring sexy back, not bring sexy across your whole back-side! 
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Honey, when I'm done WITH the potato salad, can ya pass the dog food! 
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I know they look good, but tell me, are they even?    
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Like removing the flip-flops makes a big difference ???    
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Doesn't the flowered bra just bring the whole outfit together?    
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You go girl!  This summer it's all about the layered look?    
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No Sir, I'm not coming back into the store with you, .......I paid for the  mellons.    
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Oh good!  A gut-crack instead of all those butt-cracks!    
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Bought a paper shredder yesterday... Love it!  Love it!    
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Please tell me, she's wearing a thong!    
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To do list:  ......  Quick stop to the candy isle before bartending at Bubba's Bar & Grill.  
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AND THE WALMART WINNER IS....................
When you can't find your BRA just stuff them in your pants!     

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