Friday, 31 August 2012

Is your man a metrosexual man?

Meet the Metro Men: ”Tweezing, Plucking & Scrubbing”

More often than not the term “metrosexual” is often mistaken with term “homosexuality” but to put things in perspective Wikipedia describes “metrosexual” as a man (especially one living in an urban, capitalist culture who spends a lot of time and money on shopping for his appearance).

homosexuality on the other hand is described as a romantic and/or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex or gender.

However it is pretty interesting to see the lengths that men go this days just to look good & sexy. In most cases you find a modern, usually single man in touch with himself and his feminine side & that is how they prefer to be described.
  • grooms and buffs his head and body, which he drapes in fashionable clothing both at work or before hitting an evening hotspot;
  • has discretionary income to stay up to date with the latest hairstyles, the newest threads, and the right shaped shoes;
  • confuses some guys when it comes to his sexuality;
  • makes these same guys jealous of his success with the ladies -- for many metros, to interact with women is to flirt;
  • impresses the women who enjoy his company with the details that make the man.
    And this are the qualities they posses in most occasions:
  • his appreciation for literature, cinema, or other arts
  • his flair for cooking
  • his savoir faire in choosing the perfect wine and music
  • his eye for interior design
  • is a city boy or, if living a commute away from downtown, is still urbane, if not rightly urban;
  • enjoys reading men's magazines... 
  • In a recent interview, Mark Simpson, a British and outspokenly gay social "commentarist says... “it makes perfect sense to maintain that metrosexuals are all straight -- after all, advertising is trying to persuade as many men as possible to relax their sphincter muscles, cooing in their ear that there's nothing gay about being intrigued by corporate
    consumerism. Which, ironically, is true."
people have the perception that most current references seem to peg metros as hetero & with research one turns to find that metrosexual has been uncoupled, or at least irretrievably loosened, from reproduction and gender -- and reattached to commercial signs. Adverts, Images, Icons, Brands."